Full name 





Krugovykh Ilya Igorevich 

General maintenance management 

Head of the Office of Academic and Digital Innovation 

work phone 

+7 (727) 377 33 33 (int. 3124) 

direct phone  +7 705 544 59 30 


Malik Nurly Baglankyzy 

1. Faculty of Journalism  

2. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology 

3. Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology 

4. Faculty of History  

5. Faculty of Philological  

6. Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science 

7. Faculty of International Relations 

8. Al-farabi business school  

9. Faculty for pre-college education 


Chief Specialist of the Office of Academic and Digital Innovation 

work phone 

+7 (727) 377 33 33 (int. 31-95) 


direct phone  +7 707 469 56 83 


e-mail nurly.malik@kaznu.edu.kz 



Smagulova Shynar Beisenbekovna 



1. Faculty of Mechanical Mathematics 

2. Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences 

3. Faculty of Physics and Technology 

4. Faculty of information technology 

5. Faculty of Law 

6. Faculty of Oriental studies 

7. Faculty of  High school of economics and business 

8. Faculty of Medicine and Health Care  


Chief Specialist of the Office of Academic and Digital Innovation 

work phone 

+7 (727) 377 33 33 (int. 33-81) 

direct phone +7 (777) 825-51-90   

e-mail shynar.smagulova@kaznu.edu.kz 


Zhabaev Talgat Ryspekovich 

Technical Issues 

software engineer 

Office of Academic and Digital Innovation 

моб. +7702 750 86 98 


e-mail Talgat.Zhabayev@kaznu.edu.kz